Summary, Continued
Opinions are {bracketed}.
Suze is shocked when she finds out that Father Dominic is a mediator. {Dun dun dun dun.....} She has never met another person with her "gift" in her life. ( Suze hates her ability to see ghosts. ) While Suze and Father Dom are discussing their unique ability to help the dead move on, Heather taunts Suze. Father Dom is trying to assign Suze to Heather's old locker, and Heather doesn't like it. Suze, never afraid to throw a few punches in with her mediation, punches her in the face. Suze doesn't take any grief from any ghost. Father Dom is surprised to see Suze punch Heather, as he doesn't harm any of the ghosts that he mediates. He decides to educate Suze in the field of mediation.
When Suze arrives in her first class, she has to choose where to sit. There is a seat by an albino-looking girl, and a seat by a pretty tan girl. Suze chooses to sit by the albino, and the tan girl calls the girl now next to Suze a freak. Suze basically asks the tan girl if she was being purposely rude, and then promises to break one of her fingers after school. { Go, go Suze! Don't let people insult others because they look different! } After class, the albino girl talks to Suze, and the two seem to be friends after they agree that Debbie, the tan girl, is a troll. The albino girl's name is CeeCee, and she is the editor of the school newspaper.
Suze eats lunch with CeeCee, and sees Bryce sitting next to her step-brother, Sleepy (known as Jake to the rest of the world). CeeCee explains who Bryce is to Suze. His girlfriend apparently committed suicide after Bryce broke up with her. That detail was contributed by Adam, who Suze saw in the office earlier. He sat down with CeeCee and Suze. Bryce's girlfriend was Heather, whose ghost now roams the mission school. Right after lunch, Suze sees Heather. Heather is trying to make a piece of the rafters fall on Bryce's head, using her ghostly kinetic powers. Suze sees this, and tackles Bryce to get him out of the way. Neither of them are hit, but Suze defending Heather's ex and then seeing Bryce ask Suze out later might be too much for the ghost to handle, and Suze just might be Heather's next target.
When Suze arrives home, she is bombarded by phone calls, the first being from Father Dom, who wants to talk about Heather. However, he doesn't get a chance, as Bryce calls on the other line. Kelley Prescott, the most popular girl at Suze's school, calls and invites Suze to her pool party, interrupting Bryce. Suze eventually tells Bryce that she'll talk to him later, as her phone's call waiting is going off non-stop. Suze answers the phone to find CeeCee on the other line. She wants to talk to Suze at the Coffee Clutch, a local cafe. Suze declines, saying that she has geometry homework to do. This is, of course, a total fabrication, but Suze has an angry ghost to deal with.
As Suze prepares to mediate, Jesse appears. { !!!! Jesse! YAY!! } Suze is annoyed by this, and gets more annoyed when he tries to convince her to not confront Heather. He says that Heather will try to kill her. { Go, go! Save Suze from almost dieing, Jesse! } Suze is disgruntled because he knows a lot about her life, and accuses him of stalking her. { No. Bad Suze. Jesse is not stalking you, he just cares about your well-being. } Jesse doesn't understand, as he doesn't know what the word stalking means. (He died 150 years ago.) Suze leaves anyway, but Heather turns out to be stronger than she first assumed..........
{ I don't like to reveal major plot points that basically give away the end of the climax early on, so my summary stops here. Read the book to find out what happens to Suze! }